The BSc degree programme of Aquatic Resources Management (ARM) was originally initiated after integrating the Division of Fishery Biology and Department of Hydrobiology in 1981, which were initially created at the same time as the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University in 1963. As an archipelagic and tropical country, Indonesia is distinguished by its diverse aquatic ecosystems and resources. Aquatic pollution, habitat degradation, biodiversity loss, fish stock depletion, poverty along with climate change impacts are among the major challenges in which the knowledge, skills, techniques, policy, and appropriate management are required to overcome or at least to reduce those problems. In other words, there is a need for expertise in the field of aquatic resources management. Armed with these competencies, graduates have the profile required by human resources in the field of: government officials, lecturers/teachers, researchers, NGOs officers, environmental consultants, entrepreneurs in fisheries and other sectors, banking, finance, and insurance officers. MSP has administratively been reinforced through the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Cultural No. 0546/0/1983 (read here) and added with the Rector’s Decree No. 234/IT3/DT2012 regarding the IPB undergraduate education (major) study programme (read here).
Graduates of the BSc Degree Program of MSP receive the title of the BSc degree programme, namely Bachelor of Science in Fisheries ‘Sarjana Perikanan‘. The English title of BSc in Fisheries was internationally accepted as indicated by the admission of graduates to international higher education institutions, research institutions, and other international institutions.
The curriculum of the BSc degree programmes is developed and evaluated by following existing regulations and guidelines, including the Decree of the Rector of IPB University No. 092/K13/PP/2005 on the Design of Major-Minor Curriculum for Bachelor Programme (read here), Presidential Decree No. 8/2012 on Indonesian National Qualification Framework (read here), the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education No. 44/2015 on National Standard for Higher Education (read here), the Handbill of the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs No. 255/B/SE/VIII/2016 on Guidelines of the Design of Higher Education Curriculum (read here), and the Standard Operating Procedures of IPB University No. 17 on the Design and Evaluation of Curriculum (POB-IPB-S1-17 pages 92 – 99; read here).
To obtain the LOs, the students are required to take at least 144 credits during 8 semesters including the basic courses at the General Competency Education Programme, Interdepartmental courses, Major courses (including thesis), and/or Minor courses or supporting courses. Supporting competencies aim to add insight and deepen expertise according to their interests.
The contents of courses/modules are evaluated every semester individually by the teaching team. The content/topic changes are revised through the improvement of Semester Learning Plan (Semester Learning Plan/RPS).
Learning Outcome of the Bachelor of Science Degree Programme on Aquatic Resources Management were formulated as follows:
- Demonstrate the ability of fundamental sciences to support the scientific management of aquatic resources.
- Explain the exact basic sciences principles which support the scientific management of aquatic resources.
- Explain the non-exact basic science principles which support the scientific management of aquatic resources.
- Explain the basic science principles of fisheries.
- Identify resources (individuals, populations, and communities), ecosystems, environments, and water areas.
- Identify the characteristics of aquatic biota in compliance with applicable scientific rules.
- Identify the types and characteristics of ecosystems and aquatic areas in compliance with applicable scientific rules.
- Explain and measure the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of aquatic quality, and report the measurement results.
- Describe the condition and status of resources, ecosystems, environment, and water areas based on their characteristics using qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- Describe the condition and status of aquatic resources (individuals, populations, and communities) through a systematic and easy-to-understand presentation.
- Properly classify the condition and status of aquatic resources (individuals, populations, and communities).
- Describe the condition of ecosystems, environment and aquatic areas comprehensively.
- Convincingly explain the status of resources, ecosystems, environment, and aquatic areas through the application of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- Linking from resources, ecosystems, environment, and aquatic variables, in part or in an integrated manner, through the analysis of ecological interactions.
- Predict the interrelationships of various variables from resources, ecosystems, environment, and aquatic areas accurately.
- Modify the interrelationships of the variables of resources, ecosystems, environment, and aquatic areas, either in part or in an integrated manner, through the analysis of ecological interactions.
- Constructing a model of the interrelationship of variables from resources, ecosystems, environment, and water areas, either partially or integrated, through the analysis of ecological interactions.
- Summarise clearly the results of the analysis of ecological interactions.
- Applying the science of managing resources, ecosystems, environment, and water areas based on the principles of carrying capacity, conservation, and sustainability.
- Examine the interrelationships of variables from resources, ecosystems, environment, and areas in an integrated water management system.
- Deciding on the management model for resources, ecosystems, environment, and water areas based on the principles of carrying capacity, conservation, and sustainability.
- Applying the science of water resource management in the field through research.
- Demonstrate the ability of fundamental sciences to support the scientific management of aquatic resources.
The formulation of the programme’s objective (PO) considers the graduates’ profile and competence. The programme objectives of the Aquatic Resources Management (MSP) are mastering in applying management of aquatic resources, environment, and space, based on carrying capacity, conservation, and sustainability principles. This can be accomplished through the support of the following specific competencies. Mastering the basic knowledge, technical and managerial skills in various aspects, including aquatic productivity, bio-ecology, health and pollution control, conservation, ecotourism, and fishery stock dynamics based on ecosystem approaches to be executed with full responsibility and truthfully in working either personally or in a small group with the necessary guidance and assistance.
- Being capable and competent to plan, execute, monitor, and evaluate the aquatic ecosystem with a view to optimal and sustainable utilisation towards ecosystem health and community wellbeing.
- Being capable of making decisions and adapting to the field of aquatic resources management. The above objectives and competencies reflect the graduate’s ability and competence, decision-making ability, and adaptability.
- Being capable and competent to plan, execute, monitor, and evaluate the aquatic ecosystem with a view to optimal and sustainable utilisation towards ecosystem health and community wellbeing.
- Certified by Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN e.V.)
- Study Program of Aquatic Resources Management (S1) accredited A: See the certificate
- Certified by ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA): See the certificate
- Certified ISO9001:2015 SNI for Quality Management System for academic administration and learning process: See the certificate
Student Services
Student services for bachelor study program can be accessed via the following link below.
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