Welcome to Bachelor Services Center
- Students are required to return all laboratory equipment that has been used during the research process. If student has returned all the equipment, student can request for letter of completion of the obligation to return laboratory equipment via form Pengajuan Bebas Peminjaman Alat-Alat Praktikum/Penelitian FPIK – IPB
- Do a check of thesis manuscript similarity score by using Turnitin at the link bit.ly/TurnitinMSP.
- Thesis manuscript must be approved by all supervisors as a final draft and ready to be reviewed by Quality Control Group of Department of Aquatic Resources Management. If student has got the approval for thesis final draft, please fill the form Persetujuan Draft Skripsi untuk Verifikasi GKM.
- Upload documents for verification process via the link bit.ly/VerifikasiDokSidangMSP. Documents that must be uploaded for verification process are:
- Final assignment control card or as known as ‘kartu kendali tugas akhir’ that has been filled in in the consultation material column with at least 3 (three) times consultations after seminar preparation for each all supervisors.
- Proof of communication that show student and their supervisors have been communicate regarding implementation of thesis defense plan.
- Turnitin similarity report.
- The result of document verification process will be notified by email or WhatsApp (fulfilled / not fulfilled).
- Student and supervisors should be choose the date for thesis defense schedule, students can fill the form to request for letter of approval for thesis defense*Â through the link bit.ly/FormPersetujuanSidangMSP (Student have to request this letter no later than fourteen days before of the thesis defense date).
- After requesting for letter of approval for thesis defense, student have to confirms to the academic administrator of study program.
- Study program will determine guest examiners and examiner lecturers who represent the study program who will be attend at thesis defense.
- Students will receive information via email about the names of guest examiners and examiner lecturers who represent the study program.
- Students fill out the willingness to test form ‘formulir kesediaan menguji’ at the link bit.ly/FrmKesediaanMengujiMSP.
- After completing the willingness to test form ‘formulir kesediaan menguji’ student have to confirms to the academic administrator of study program.
- Academic administrator of study program will send a letter of approval for thesis defense that have been approved by the supervisor and head of the study program to students.
- Students can request for invitations letter** for thesis examinations via the link http://ipb.link/sidang-c (Request for invitation letter no later than five working days prior to the thesis defense date). Documents that must be uploaded are:
- Letter of approval for thesis defense from the Department of Aquatic Resources Management
- Letter of completion of the obligation to return laboratory equipment
- Proof of tuition payment for the last four semesters
- Academic administrator of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences will send thesis defense invitation letters to student via email.
- Students must distribute thesis defense invitation letters and final thesis draft to all supervisors and examiners. Students are allowed to distribute thesis draft in advance if the request for invitation letter is still being processed.
Important notes:
*Request for letter of approval for thesis examination no later than fourteen days prior to the thesis defense schedule.
**Request for invitation letter no later than five working days prior to the thesis defense schedule.
- The thesis defense will be held at undergraduate thesis defense room of Department of Aquatic Resources Management directly.
- Students must attend no later than thirty minutes before the thesis defense schedule.
- There is no maximum time limit during the thesis defense.
- Supervisors and examiner fill the report of thesis examination and gives a grading at exam score details form.