Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University received a visit from the Tirta Manuntung Regional Public Company (Perumda), Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. A total of eight people consisting of directors, managers and laboratory staff conducted comparative studies at the Department of MSP IPB University, especially the Aquatic Productivity and Environment Laboratory (Proling).
The aim of Perumda Tirta Manuntung is that the Department of MSP IPB University can provide input on the fertility (trophic) status assessment of the Manggar Reservoir and Teritip Reservoir. The two reservoirs are sources of raw water intake which are processed to fulfill 70 percent of clean water for the City of Balikpapan.
Prof. Hefni Effendi, Head of the Department of MSP IPB University said that collaboration with the business world and the industrial world (DUDI) is an inevitability in the current era of Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM). Therefore, the performance of tertiary institutions is assessed from the achievement of key performance indicators (IKU), one of which is through the quantity and quality of collaboration with industrialists.
“This visit will certainly benefit Perumda Tirta Manuntung in managing the Manggar and Teritip Reservoirs as sources of raw water, so that quantitative and qualitative water availability is maintained, so that the raw water supply can be maintained,” said Prof. Hefni.
For the Department of MSP IPB University, said Prof. Hefni, this activity is a manifestation of community and industry service, so that it can improve the performance of IKU.
This comparative study activity began with a presentation from Perumda Tirta Manuntung regarding the condition of the raw water intake from the Manggar and Teritip Reservoirs. Then the group also received material on Introduction to the Sampling Method and Water Quality Analysis from Mursalin Aan, SPi, MSi (Staff of the Proling Laboratory).
This material will certainly enrich the understanding of good and correct water sampling and analysis techniques in the laboratory. In addition, participants were also given material on water eutrophication and trophic status delivered by Prof. Niken TM Pratiwi who was guided by Dr. Majariana Krisanti. He presented about eutrophication starting from theory, case studies, to determining the trophic status of the waters. Apart from that, they also carried out a simulation of water sampling and analysis at the Proling Laboratory.
During the two days of discussion, Prof. Bambang Widigdo, IPB University Professor from the Department of MSP was involved in sharing his knowledge and empirical experience when he was a German GTZ expert and was assigned to East Kalimantan.
Sources: Kumparan – Berita IPB