IPB University expert from the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK), Prof. Hefni Effendi together with a team from Diponegoro University (Undip) and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) explained the draft environmental assessment standard in front of the Environmental Service staff Living in Sulawesi in Manado.
Prof. Hefni Effendi, who has collaborated a lot with the government and the national and multinational private sector in environmental management, together with Dr. Enan M Adiwilaga, a retiree from the MSP Department of IPB University, who has also worked extensively in environmental management, both of whom were given the mandate by the Directorate of Business Environmental Impact Assessment and Activities (PDLUK), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia to prepare study standards related to the oil and gas (oil and gas) sector.
The study standards are also related to the addendum to Environmental Impact Analysis (Andal), Environmental Management Plan (RKL), Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) as well as the integration of technical approvals (pertek) into environmental approvals. Mursalin Aan MSi, who is an environmental approval and technical approval practitioner, also assisted in this preparation.
“To expedite the environmental approval process for a number of businesses/activities that are widely carried out in our country, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry facilitates the preparation of environmental assessment standards as one of the implementations of the Job Creation Law (UU) relating to environmental management,” said Prof. Hefni.
A number of study standards related to the preparation of environmental management documents are regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No. 22 of 2021 concerning Environmental Implementation and Management; Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (PerMenLHK) No 4 of 2021 concerning List of Businesses and/or Activities that are Required to Have Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal), Environmental Management Efforts-Environmental
Monitoring Efforts (UKL-UPL) or Statement of Management and Monitoring Capability Environment; and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Issuing Technical Approvals and Operational Feasibility Letters in the Field of Environmental Pollution Control.
“The preparation of environmental study standards involved the Indonesian Environmental Study Center Cooperation Agency (BKPSL). There are 14 standards being prepared by a number of university representatives. “The draft results of this study will be provided with input by the Environmental Service from a number of regions in Indonesia, as well as input from various related sectors,” added Prof. Hefni.
Furthermore, he said, 14 types of draft standard study results would be presented in a plenary session at the BKPSL drafting team meeting forum to then be presented at PDLUK and finalized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Apart from that, a series of activities to obtain input on the Standard Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) have been and will be carried out sequentially in Manado, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, Batam, Surabaya and Pekanbaru. This distribution of regional representation, said Prof. Hefni, is intended to obtain a diversity of problems faced by each Environmental Service in carrying out its duties and functions in overseeing environmental management in their respective regions.
Source: IPB NEWS