IPB University's ARM Department Hosts Discussion on Environmental Study Guide for the Fishery Product Processing Industrya


July 24, 2024

For the third time, the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University hosted a discussion of environmental assessment guidelines for several fisheries and marine product processing industries.


On Thursday (18/7), around 25 researchers from the Center for Standardization of Environmental Quality Instruments (PSIKLH), Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) visited the MSP Department of IPB University to review 11 draft environmental management standard forms for moving industries. in the field of processing fishery and marine products.


The fishery product processing industry includes freezing fish, grilling, smoking fish, salting, drying fish, fish meal, fermentation, fermenting fish, fish meal, fish oil, preserving, freezing shrimp in cans, and so on.

Widhi Handoyo, SKM, MT as Head of PSIKLH explained, “The preparation of draft environmental management guidelines for various types of fishery product processing is a series of preparation of agricultural product management guidelines in a broad sense.”


Agriculture in a broad sense includes horticultural farming, processing of agricultural products, animal husbandry, processing of livestock products, aquaculture, processing of fishery products, and so on. This is the task of PSIKLH in 2024.


The discussion of the 11 draft environmental management guidelines for the fishery product processing industry was grouped into two. The first group was led by Dr Hernita Wahyuni ​​as Head of the Formulation and Assessment of Standard Instrument Conformity (P2KSI). In this first group, material enrichment was carried out by Dr Roni Nugraha, Chair of the Department of Aquatic Products Technology (THP) IPB University.


This first group discussed the draft environmental management guidelines relating to the fishery product processing industry. This processing includes freezing, salting, smoking, and drying fishery products such as fish, shrimp and other economically important marine biota.


Meanwhile, the second group guided by Rita Mukhtar, SSi, MSi discussed draft environmental management guidelines related to fermentation, fermentation, preservation of fishery products such as fish and shrimp and other economically important marine biota.


The draft environmental management guidelines for this second group were given input and enriched by Dr Bustami Ibrahim, who is also a lecturer at the THP Department of IPB University.


Prof. Hefni Effendi, Chair of the MSP Department of IPB University, who hosted the discussion of the draft environmental management guidelines for the fishery product processing industry, on this occasion expressed his appreciation and thanks to PSIKLH for giving confidence to all IPB University lecturers to provide input on the draft that has been prepared. compiled by PSIKLH researchers.


There are a number of series of activities undertaken in preparing this draft guide. The first stage was holding discussions with the fisheries industry sector, namely the KKP, followed by a visit to the fishery product processing industry to get a real picture of the business process of fishery product processing.


“Furthermore, a draft guide was prepared by PSIKLH researchers. Then consult with academics, in this case academics from IPB University. Then there will be a focus group discussion (FGD) with all stakeholders, an application test, and finalization of the draft guide. “That’s the macro picture of the guideline preparation process,” explained Widhi.


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