IPB University’s ARM Department Welcomes Benchmarking Visit from Umrah FIKP

Departemen MSP IPB University Terima Benchmarking FIKP Umrah

The Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP) at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), IPB University, received a delegation from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FIKP) at Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (Umrah) in Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands Province.


The Umrah FIKP delegation included Asep Ma’mun, SPi, MSi (Quality Control Cluster of FIKP), Apriadi, SPi, MSi (Secretary of the MSP Department), Dwi Setiani Putri, SPi, MSi (Secretary of the Aquaculture Department), Jumsurizal, SPi, MSi (Department of Aquatic Product Technology), Tetty, SPi, MSi (Secretary of the Fisheries Socio-Economics Department), and Try Febrianto, SPi, MSi (Secretary of the Marine Science Department).


The delegation from Umrah FIPK was received by Prof Hefni Effendi (Chair of the MSP Department), Dr Ali Mashar (Secretary of the MSP Department), Prof Niken TM Pratiwi (representative of the MSP S1 Education Commission), Dr Sigid Hariyadi (Chair of the S3 Water Resources Management Study Program), and Mery Rusmini, SE (Chair of Administration at MSP).


“The purpose of this visit is for benchmarking and learning about the implementation of academic quality assurance and control at the MSP Department, IPB University,” explained Prof Hefni.


In the first session, the Umrah FIKP delegation discussed the implementation of academic quality control at Umrah FIKP, including the responsibilities and tasks of academic quality controllers, as well as the processes and conditions of academic quality control.


In subsequent sessions, the team from the MSP Department at IPB University took turns providing detailed explanations about the processes of implementing quality assurance and control in academic activities. The MSP Department team explained the structure of the academic quality control team or the Quality Control Cluster (GKM) and its responsibilities.


“The control and assurance of academic quality in the learning process at the MSP Department, IPB University, starts before lectures, during lectures, and after lectures,” explained Prof Hefni.


This process includes synchronizing courses and instructor teams, determining the number of meetings per lecturer, evaluating exam questions, determining the supervisory committee, and controlling the process of completing final assignments.


Prof Hefni highlighted some key points in the meeting, including the need for the development of members of the quality control and assurance team at Umrah FIKP, including at the department level (currently only two lecturers per department).


Additionally, there is a need for the development or expansion of the tasks and functions of the quality control and assurance team at Umrah FIKP so that the implementation of academic quality assurance can be effective and comprehensive.


“The MSP Department at IPB University is ready to be a benchmark and provide support in the development and implementation of academic quality assurance at Umrah FIKP and its departments,” concluded Prof Hefni.


Source: IPB News



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