Prof Luky Adrianto Leads ASEAN Ministerial Panel on Blue Economy

The Indonesian National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) organised the 1st ASEAN Blue Economy Forum (ABEF) on (3-4/7) located in Belitung, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. In this activity, one of the Professors of IPB University led the main agenda, namely the ASEAN Ministerial Panel on ASEAN’s View on Blue Economy.


Prof Luky Adrianto, Professor of IPB University from the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) was trusted to be the host and moderator for the panel meeting of representatives of ASEAN leaders from nine countries namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Each country expressed their views on the blue economy framework as well as perspectives for the implementation of blue economy in the ASEAN region.


The 1st ABEF was held as a follow-up to the ASEAN Economic Forum declaration in 2021, one of the contents of which was to establish the importance of the blue economy as a new engine of economic growth in the Southeast Asian region.


Prof Luky said that during the ASEAN Ministerial Panel on ASEAN’s View on Blue Economy, several things were agreed upon. First, the blue economy is a new growth engine for the ASEAN region that must be carried out with the spirit of sustainability and inclusiveness among ASEAN Member States. There will be no left behind in the implementation of blue economy in the ASEAN region.


“Second, ASEAN countries agree to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the implementation of the blue economy, including in technology investment, human resources and innovation,” Prof Luky said.


Finally, he continued, the blue economy is an integrated economic development based on connectivity from inland water to marine waters as a feature of the joint strength of all ASEAN member countries.


“The Department of MSP IPB University feels honoured and proud, because one of its best professors is a leader at an international event on the discussion of blue economy,” said Chairman of the Department of MSP IPB University, Prof Hefni Effendi.


According to him, this is very much in line with the road map of the MSP Department of IPB University, which currently also carries the concept of blue economy as the featured learning material. The concept is also the competency platform of the Department of MSP IPB University.


“Blue carbon and blue economy are also part of the thematic Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programme developed in 2023 and 2024 through the Merdeka Campus Competition Programme (PKKM),” added Prof Hefni.


In addition to the main event, there were three side-events, namely the Ministerial meeting on ASEAN Blue Economic Framework; Blue Economy Collaboration organised by the Deputy of Economy of Bappenas; and Blue Financing Forum conducted by ICCTF-Bappenas. The ABEF event also launched Indonesia’s Blue Economy Roadmap as the main reference for the implementation of blue economy in Indonesia.


ABEF 2023 was opened by Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, followed by two keynote speakers, namely Director General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Victor Manoppo and President of Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Prof Watanabe.


Sources: IPB News

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