Increase Reputation and Recognition: IPB University Holds Strategic Webinar for MSP Study Programs throughout Indonesia


June 12, 2024

Carrying the theme “Strategy for Strengthening and Recognizing the MSP Study Program”, the Aquatic Resources Management (MSP) Study Program Forum (Prodi) throughout Indonesia, including IPB University, held a webinar on 3/6.


The MSP Study Program Forum is a forum for gathering MSP study programs both under the auspices of state and private universities in Indonesia. This forum is part of the Indonesian Fisheries and Maritime Higher Education Leadership Forum (FP2TPK). Currently the Indonesian MSP Study Program Forum is chaired by Prof. Hefni Effendi, Chair of the MSP Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University.


The webinar raised three topics that could become references and steppingstones for all MSP study programs in Indonesia to achieve increased reputation and recognition. The three themes promoted include International Accreditation, Best practice of MBKM and International Collaboration.


The topic of International Accreditation was delivered by Prof. Uun Yanuhar, from Brawijaya University (UB), Malang. He conveyed the ins and outs of document completion and visitation in processing international accreditation from the Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs (AQAS) from Germany for the Brawijaya University MSP Study Program.


Next, Prof. Djumanto, from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) told about how the UGM MSA (Aquatic Resources Management) Study Program has run its MBKM program so far.


“The MBKM program that students like are a structured internship, where the internship material is designed by UGM and partner agencies. “Therefore, MSA UGM has 18 government and private institutional partners as places for student internships,” said Prof. Djumanto.


Then as the third speaker, Prof. Hefni Effendi, Chair of the IPB University MSP Department, conveyed the journey of how the IPB University MSP Department has collaborated with various agencies, both universities and foreign agencies.


“We have collaborated with several agencies such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). “The collaboration that we have carried out takes the form of research, seminars, summer courses, student exchanges and lecturer exchanges, and many more,” said Prof. Hefni.


This activity was also attended by Prof. Maftuch, Chair of FP2TPK who Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences is also, Brawijaya University; Prof Fredinan Yulianda, Dean of FPIK IPB University; and moderated by Dr Fika Dewi Pratiwi, from Bangka Belitung University


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