As the owner of 17% of the world’s blue carbon reserves, Indonesia has a great opportunity to utilize the Blue Carbon Ecosystem (EKB) as a solution to overcome climate change. Monday (13/11/2023). EKB, which includes mangrove forests, seagrass beds, salt marshes, has great potential as a carbon sequestration and storage which plays an important role in climate change mitigation efforts.
EKB also plays a significant role in adapting to climate change, especially for coastal communities whose living space and livelihoods have the potential to be affected by climate-related coastal risks, such as extreme weather, storms, erosion, floods and so on. These various risks can result in socio-economic impacts, threatened biodiversity, and reduced ecosystem services which have an impact on human and natural survival.
PT Natural Capital Indonesia (NACI) as an environmental and forestry consulting company successfully held Training Batch 2 Ecosystem Based Carbon Blue Counting on November 13 2023 at CIFOR Bogor (Center for International Forestry Research). Training participants received material about prospects, policies, carbon trade mechanisms and blue carbon calculation methodology.
According to Nuralim, S.Hut as COBD NACI (Chief of Business Development), the Batch 2 Training participants were teaching staff/researchers from the Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University.
In implementing Carbon Training, NACI has 4 Competitive Advantages as follows: (1) Trainers are carbon practitioners and researchers who have more than 20 years of international experience (Dr Agustin Rustam, Satria Octorita, S.Hut, M.Si, Dr Fitri Khusu Aini ) (2) The number of participants is limited so that more participants can discuss (3) Field practice in carbon calculations (4) Participants can join in the Carbon Trade Business Group.
Source: Jurnalis Warga